March 28, 2013

The Versatile Blogger Award

I would like to thank Eva Nyah of Bunny Kiss and Sally Sayz of Sally Syz for nominating me as Versatile Blogger.  Just let me say my thanks the way actors do in award shows, okay? =)
and the award goes to....Me!!!! thank you, thank you thank you
But seriously, from the bottom of my chubby heart, thanks very much for nominating me guys.  It's truly an honor and inspiration to be nominated especially this time where I feel (I hope it's just a feeling) that no one read my posts (so if you happen to visit my blog for "I don't know how" reason, comment and say "hi", I'll hi back ʘ‿* (wink wink)).

The rules for this award award are:
Thank the person who gave you this award.
Include a link to their blog.
Next, select 15 blog/bloggers that you've recently discover or follow regularly.
Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile blogger award.
Finally, tell the person who nominated you, 7 things about yourself.

First is that I'll start with the last rule, 7 things about me:

One is that my skin has a hard relationship with make-up.  I remember in my graduation pictorial that the make-up artist had a hard time to apply foundation on my face because it doesn't stick even when he applied make-up base.

Two is that I had mixed emotions while in a vacation/adventure in Coron, Philippines.  I felt scared, excited and happy to jump in the middle of the sea to be with different species of the oceans like glow in the dark fish and corals.  The rock formation snorkeling was a great adventure too.  Why scary?  Because I don't know how to swim :P

Three:  I'm allergic to many things.  Think of pancit canton (instant noodles without the soup).  Weird right?

Fourth thing is, I can't make a blog post without writing or making first a draft in a notebook or in a piece of paper.

Number five is that one point in my life, I got addicted to books that I hoarded around 10 to 15 (if you are in the Philippines, this number of books is already  high)  thinking that I can finish them in a month (I finished reading series of unfortunate events in a month with so much effort not to read them but I ended up reading them anyway in a short span of time) and they are now sitting in my bookshelves, untouched.

Six:  Many people label me as weird.  I can't blame them as I love quirky things.

Seven.  And last thing about me is:  I've never been in love (well I've been in love with food and sweets if these two counts)

Additional info about me since two nominated me (thanks again ◕‿◕): my lashes are naturally curled which I love and my classmates thought that I intentionally curl them when I was in first year high school.

So the Bloggers that I nominate are (at random):

Chaitea of Candy Clouds in the sky
Karisa of Ciramisu
Jeany of Behrouz Girl
Jenny of Almighty Turtles
Erika of Erikajjang
Eula of Eulasleeps
Andrea of Little A
Helen of Lucky Citrine
Chelsea of Organized Mess
Andy of Shimmering Thoughts
Lys of Shirayuki's Beauty
Eunice of Laces and Tiaras
Elle of Littlebratontheloose
Rin of One-winged Angel
Misha of The Touch of Yellow

There's already 15 up there but here are some other blogs where I lurk:

And some more but I got tired of copying and pasting.  Sorry (✖╭╮✖)

Thanks for reading. Till then. Bye!


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